Monday, December 3, 2007

Dieting on a budget - Breakfast

IMPORTANT!!! Don't skip this meal! Like my mom, and probably yours too, always said, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" A study at Vanderbilt University found that people who include breakfast in their diet lose 28% more weight in a 12 week period than those who skip breakfast! Try to eat breakfast within an hour of waking up.

Drink your milk! I like Non-fat personally. Anyways, the conjugated linoleic acid in milk can help convert fat into lean muscle. That's what I like to hear! :-) Stay away from fruit drinks such as Hi-C and Sunny D. Go with 100% juice! Limit yourself to about 4 - 6 ounces of juice! It will make your juice last longer, which will help save you money and keep you from downing 300 calories! If you are like me and have to have your latte, try a smaller amount. Cheaper and healthier. Ask for non-fat milk too!

English Muffins have approximately only 1 gram of fat! A breakfast biscuit has about 18 grams and a croissant has about 10 grams of fat. Whole grain bread makes for great toast with some peanut butter on top.

Bananas, apples, melons... Great for breakfast! Try to aim for about 300 - 400 calories for breakfast.


Anonymous said...

Why dieting? It's helpful but I wouldn't expect it from you.

zachm said...

I've been working on dieting and eating healthier a lot lately. I'm wanting to lost about 7lbs.